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Tracheotomy and Tracheostomy Resources
complete credit for this article goes to:Pamela Wilson
BellaOnline's Special Needs Children Editor

If a baby or child you love has had a tracheotomy or tracheostomy recently, you may be feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the events that preceded your little sweetheart's need for one. A great deal of information may have been provided to you during a time when it's difficult to take in or process it all.

Many parents remember this time and reach out to others. Learning about the procedure, after care, and figuring out how to explain to extended family, friends and neighbors takes time and concentration. It's natural to be upset that your child needs this intervention, and also very grateful that it is available.

Don't worry about asking questions, or repeating questions, when you are talking with your child's medical support staff. It's natural to have difficulty understanding what you would otherwise easily take in, and to worry that you have not learned enough or will forget something important. It can be frustrating, but give yourself time.

There are many internet resources, usually medical or hospital sites and family web pages, where you can refresh your memory and perhaps learn tips from others. Always consult medical professionals to make sure that what you find online is accurate, safe and helpful for your child. Feel free to share with them anything that may help other families in your situation.


 The Cerebral Palsy Network©1997/2014. All graphics are the exclusive property of CPN, unless otherwise indicated. Contact Cerebral Palsy Network   for further information. Last updated 05/04/14