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Who We Are

The Cerebral Palsy Network is a support network that offers support and networking to it's members and those in need. CPN makes their home in Lacey Washington listed with Washington State. Our members consist of parents and individuals across the globe whom share a similar situation, Cerebral Palsy

CPN also provides advocacy and mentoring. Our goal is to promote Unity, Knowledge and Empowerment to those individuals dealing with disabilities whether they have Cerebral Palsy, their families, friends or professionals working in the special needs field. It is also our hope to educate those who wish to learn more about special needs.

CPN has a burning desire to raise CP Awareness.

The Cerebral Palsy Network feels that our support network remain a member vote group in all projects we participate in now and in the future. It is our goal to teach individuals to be self advocates, team supporters and to provide them with as many power tools as we can so that they are able to make the best choices that suit their individual goals and needs. Knowledge is Empowerment.

CPN will stand beside their members to bring about change in our communities, our countries and our world. To see a change in how all people perceive and treat those with different abilities and needs.

Over the years we have seen many members join from across the world, the vision has been realized. Thank you to our members for sharing this vision. We encourage you to join us in this burning desire to make a difference in the lives of our children and ourselves. To have a place to call home and feel a sanctuary among friends. We encourage parents across the world to join us in our mission to not only provide these services, but to also educate all whom cross our threshold. Providing a positive future for our children we intend only for this to be an effort among all of us and a brighter future for our children with special needs.

We need many services here in Washington State as well as well as in other areas across the globe as we have discovered in our research process of creating this website. Together we as parents and individuals will make this difference and secure our children's futures.

Ideas are growing and your voice in what you hope to see at the Cerebral Palsy Network matters, please take a moment to speak your mind by dropping us a line, today. Many volunteers will be needed to make this project work we encourage you to join us today.

The Cerebral Palsy Network

thecpnet@thecpnetwork.org for any further information.

 The Cerebral Palsy Network©1997/2014. All graphics are the exclusive property of CPN, unless otherwise indicated. Contact Cerebral Palsy Network   for further information. Last updated 05/04/14